

While I am an artist and do not engage in politics, I am concerned about Hong Kong and what happens in that beautiful place. It is my hope that all parties can engage in peaceful exchanges to develop a peaceful, inclusive and better Hong Kong for the current and future generations. I believe that is what everyone wants. I hope that the government and people will focus on communicating rationally to achieve that future.

It is my experience and observation from traveling to many places that coercion, disrespect and violence are not constructive and they undermine rational solutions and a pathway forward. People everywhere care about what happens to Hong Kong and we hope that patience, tolerance and the best characteristics of humanity will be able to prevail.




On Xinjiang

While I am an artist and do not engage in politics, and while I have never visited China’s northwest regions, I have visited Pakistan and other beautiful places where Islam has made great cultural and social contributions. My travels to Lebanon, Turkey, Tunisia and Pakistan have shown me that tolerance and appreciation of diversity in all respects, when exercised with gentleness and humanity in a balanced manner have benefited all communities.

While I am not at all familiar with or an expert on the history and complexities of the region, I do know from my own global experiences of bridging the world with music and art that violence, hate and ignorance are not part of an inclusive future. From my work in music and art across the globe, we try to focus on the shared commonalities which make humans different from other beings.

History teaches us that everyone prospers with tolerance of different religions, lifestyles, values and ways of life. The rulers who ruled tolerantly and diversely are remembered most fondly by history as their societies and people benefited the most in all respects. So many societies were multi-ethnic, multi-religious and prosperous societies. The lessons of these societies should be re-examined. The long history of exchanges between the Islamic and Chinese worlds has roots in maritime and land travel, trade, medicine, science, education and many other fields since before the Tang dynasty.

The Han dynasty traded with Rome. The Tang and later dynasty Chinese fleets traded with Hormuz and points beyond. All the land empires after the Tang including the Yuan, Ming and Qing were active in central Asia in various capacities and developed full ranges of modus vivendi that worked for everyone. These exchanges changed the world for the better since ancient times and blossomed during the 700’s and the Mongol periods with direct land and sea routes.

All this delivered peace and prosperity to all without violence or harm. As China grows the Belt and Road and builds a new and peaceful world, I am confident that wise leaders and decision-makers will insure that everyone can be included in a fair and respectful manner.

This is the common hope and dream of all people as promised by China’s leaders.

       For us as artistic and cultural workers, we believe that music and art can be a way to bridge across the distances and that music need not just be separate moments in time but an entire movement to connect and heal the world.







