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Taiwan 88自2013年起,結合來自世界各國音樂家在台灣各縣市的校園舉辦互動音樂會,藉由音樂啟發學生的好奇心、想像力與創造力。

Since in 2013, Taiwan 88 Concert Tour has cooperated with the musicals worldwide and the schools in Taiwan. We believe music can inspire the students’ curiosities, imagination and creativities.


The Tour began in 2008 as Kimball Gallagher launched his international The 88- Concert Tour. In 30 countries, we try to use music to exchange different cultures, enhance the citizenship and social care.

音樂教育為 Taiwan88 校園音樂會的核心概念,透過簡單有趣的活動,讓學生從互動中了解音樂的精髓,更能從音樂中發揮創意。

The core concept of Taiwan 88 Concert Tour is music education. We hope we can make the students realize the meaning of music and develop more creativity in music activities.

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縣市           學校

“在音樂會中,一些平時表現不是很突出的學生,意外的卻表現出極大的參與感,可以知道音樂是無國界的,他可以打破以往以學業成就來衡量學生表現的好壞標準,我們可以從音樂會中看到這些學生的眼神是亮麗的,可見此次音樂會是非常成功的。” –北投國小校長

”老師和學生的輕鬆對話與互動,透過自然的引導方式,讓小朋友的好奇心與接觸音樂的動機被引發出來。“  — 中洲國小校長

All students showed great interests. During the concert, we noticed music not only goes beyond borders, but also goes beyond academic assessment. It provides another perspective to the students’ learning process — Principal of Bei-Tou elementary school in Taiwan

The concert was an interactive and very natural way to inspire curiosity from the students, which gives them a great opportunity to be in touch with music. — Principal of Chung-Zho elementary school in Taiwan.

數字88代表的是鋼琴鍵盤上的88個鍵,2008年起八八世界巡迴在世界各地以音樂推動社會關懷,其中包括印度、突尼西亞、阿富汗、埃及、緬甸等地,從印度最貧窮的拾荒者到最受尊敬的民主精神領袖翁山蘇姬,證明了音樂不僅是跨越國界、還能跨過社會背景地將心與心串連在一起。2013年5月台灣地區的延伸計畫 ─ Taiwan88校園巡迴就此展開,以互動式校園音樂會為重心,不但讓城市、偏鄉學生都有機會欣賞到世界級的音樂表演,音樂家更透過互動激發每一位學生的熱情、觸動開發自我願力、造就更多的可能。Taiwan88發展至今已不再只是一趟巡迴計畫,而是要透過音樂在台灣建立一個藝文推廣、建立國際友誼的平台。

Taiwan88 is a regional project run under 88 International. Launched in May 2013, the focus of Taiwan88 is to give educational school concert in all Taiwan counties, with the goal to expand students’ gobal perspecitve and creative imagination through music. So far more than 60 schools from 10 different counties, more than 15,000 students have participated. Many of them are from the rural areas.

In 2015 to 2016 Taiwan88 will continue to travel to New Taipei City, Changhua County, Hualien County and Tainan County, introducing the concepts of Teaching Artistry and Entry Points to the students and teachers with the goal to bring inspiration and innovation to the music education at schools.